Grey Wool Knickers They breathe

November 4, 2007

Biking in Cairo, Take 2—ركوب الدراجة في القاهرة، الڤيديو الثاني

Filed under: Masr —مصر — Tags: , — admin @ 5:30 pm

Here’s another attempt at filming my daily commute, to and from school (down Qasr Al-Eini—قصر العيني and back on the Corniche—الكورنيش). This one is not as crooked as the last, but rather more shaky. The traffic is a bit more exciting, though. More pedestrians, more wheelchairs, more crazy drivers, more horns, more cabbies absentmindedly sticking their arms out the window (another reason to plug those bar ends!), more greetings with the bawab (doorman), more close-up shots of my nostrils. Good times!

Collecting places—مجموعة الأمكنة

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , — admin @ 4:07 pm

States I’ve Visited

There’s something insidious about this website (click on the map to go to it) that will generate such a map for you based on the states you click, designed for you to be able to show off the states you’ve visited (there is another version for the world traveler).  And, no, it’s not because all of the states are red.  It’s because it is one of the most crass illustrations of that crass urge of so many tourists and travelers (I engage in it myself) to collect places—their cultures, their terrains, their vistas—as so many notches on the belt, as so many state-shaped vinyl stickers on the back of the recreational vehicle.  (more…)

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