Grey Wool Knickers They breathe

November 30, 2007

Veni, Vidi, Vici—أتيتُ، ريتُ، فتحتُ

Filed under: Masr —مصر — Tags: , , — admin @ 12:29 pm

[singlepic=526,240,320,,]Imperial nostalgia through the lens of a camera


Conveying the tourist—نقل السياح

Filed under: Masr —مصر — Tags: , , — admin @ 2:13 am


A conventional industry, whether based in manufacturing or agriculture, involves organzing people to produce. Mass production relies upon all the well-known methods of recruiting and disciplining a workforce, organizing their use of time, their movement, and their arrangement in physical space, and developing systems of instruction, supervision, and management. Mass tourism, by contrast, involves organizing people to consume. It relies upon similar methods of managing flows and timetables, arranging physical space, and instructing and supervising, to maximize the process of consumption. (Timothy Mitchell, Rule of Experts, p.199) (more…)

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