These are my links for March 9th through March 13th: This Palestinian Life – a film by Philip Rizk – CIA Awkwardly Debriefs Obama On Creation Of Crack Cocaine | The Onion – America’s Finest News Source – MediaBard: I’m OK, You’re OK – “Hate to say it, but I …
Tag: Rizk
Links for March 4th through March 8th
These are my links for March 4th through March 8th: March 3 1979 in Iran: Stop the Bomb – “Already in 1978 the Iranian woman, Atoussa H., wrote to Michel Foucault, a fan of Khomeini: ‘It seems that for the leftist movement in the West, which lacks humanism, Islam is …
Explosion at Hussein Mosque in Cairo—إنفجار عند جامع الحسين بالقاهرة
Photo from AP As several people have noted, this comes at a very suspicious time, considering that the extension of the State of Emergency (in place since the 1967 Arab-Israeli War, with a brief break during Sadat’s presidency) was just about to be considered once again. Mubarak’s government has been …
Links for February 10th through February 13th
These are my links for February 10th through February 13th: How the left elevated Lieberman – Haaretz – Israel News – An interesting analysis of the growth of fascism—neither left nor right—in Israel. It is also notable for being one of the few articles to mention (if only obliquely) that …
The Kidnapping of Philip Rizk—إختطاف فيليب رزق
Sarah Carr has written an excellent eyewitness account and brief analysis of the kidapping of Philip Rizk, a German-Egyptian AUC graduate student in the Middle East Studies program. He was abducted by state security forces (أمن الدولة) coming home from a march to Qalubiyya. I generally would have just added …
Links for February 5th through February 7th
These are my links for February 5th through February 7th