Cairo is like a cat—القاهرة زي قطة

Cairo can be graceful and beautiful, suprisingly friendly at some times and strikingly ornery at others. But boy is it ugly when it gets wet! Okay, this is a ridiculous metaphor, but whatever. Last night and this morning, there was some crazy weather here in Cairo: high winds, thunder and lightning and a pretty substantial amount of rain, particularly for the desert. I was pretty excited, actually. I’ve loved watching thunderstorms since I was a kid in Ohio. That and fireflies were the two things I missed most when my family moved to California. Plus, I actually like riding my bike in the rain, too, as long as I’m not working and it doesn’t rain for weeks at a time (messengering in Seattle in late fall sucked).

مش نضيف

Speaking of cats, though, Syphilis (Sy for short), Adrienne’s cat, was not so fond of the thunderstorms. She hid in a corner in the kitchen and pissed herself…several times over. Adrienne gave her a bath, and she calmed down for a while, but then went and hid in her litter box, which is of course a wonderful place for a damp cat to go hang out for a while.

Cairo’s streets were like a wet Sy in a litter box. I was all excited to go bike out in the rain, but I quickly discovered how disgusting it was. I could tell all the stuff splashing up on my shins was not just water, but a year’s accumated desert sand, diesel dust, partially decomposed trash and who knows what else. I avoided looking down to find out just how bad it was. The picture above doesn’t really do it justice, but I was more filthy after seven minutes of riding in the rain in Cairo than I was after working all day in the rain in San Francisco. Gross.

2,608 comments Cairo is like a cat—القاهرة زي قطة

[…] subsided and the rain cleared, I waited a bit longer for the water on the road to clear.  Since my experience in Cairo riding only a couple kilometers in a simarly unusual rain storm, I was keen to avoid getting filthy in the same way.  Another 20 minutes later, there were still […]

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