Author: admin

Israeli Health-Tech is Making Us Sick

On Saturday, October 19th, I presented at the closing plenary of the Vermont Palestine Conference at the Old North End Community Center in Burlington on the No Surveillance in Healthcare campaign, outlining who Eleos is, and why we in Southern Vermont for Palestine feel it is an important and powerful …

This dystopian future is blowing up my phone

Photo Credit: The Cradle

Or “Israel Boycotts Itself” This past Tuesday, our little town’s Selectboard voted to enact an “Acceptable Community Conduct Ordinance,” marking a definitive break from its self-declaration as a “Compassionate Community” seven years prior. Seven years to shift from humanizing people who have fallen on hard times (albeit with a very …


As I look back upon the ride to the monastary of Deir Mar Musa al-Habashi, I have to ask myself if I wasn’t engaging in a bit of self-flagellation.  It was certainly painful, if it didn’t exactly bring me closer to God.  It started out well enough.  I got up …