These are my links for February 1st through February 3rd:
- Gaza war summary – Israel Opinion, Ynetnews – A bit old, but short and biting and amusing: "Despite widespread praise, B. Michael unimpressed with military’s performance in Gaza"
- ei: Every family has a story, here are some of them – The asinine behavior of Israeli soldiers was so rampant, it's hard to imagine that it wasn't somewhat organized and strategic. And it's also hard to imagine what possible use such a strategy would be. Gazans have nowhere to go. Terrorist practices like this won't make the Palestinians leave because they can't. It certainly has no "educational" effect, despite what idiots like Thomas Friedman think. I can only imagine that Israel has no interest whatsoever in reaching any sort of peace with the Palestinians, ever.
- Los Angeles Times: The last stop for a young utopian – I've been reading a lot of sad stories lately, mostly out of Gaza. In many ways, this is much less tragic, but I'm not going to feel bad for mourning the death of "one of our own."
- IRIN Middle East | Middle East | Lebanon | LEBANON: Climate change and politics threaten water wars in Bekaa | Early Warning Environment Conflict | Feature –
- Norman Finkelstein: Behind the Bloodbath in Gaza – Norman Finkelstein explores Israel's twin goals in Gaza: to restore the understanding that Israel will kick your ass if you don't give it your lunch money and to stave off a Palestinian "Peace Offensive".