These are my links for January 29th:
- Ezbet Abed Rabbo area: Remnants of houses and soldiers’ presence – There’s no polite way to put it—these people are assholes
- The Angry Arab News Service/وكالة أنباء العربي الغاضب: The Obama Era: Arab hopes or Illusions –
- ‘Draculas’ get their teeth back into lucrative Gaza tunnel operation – “It’s the Israelis who made us need the tunnels, and that’s the real tragedy, that they’ve created this situation where people can capitalize on disaster.”
- Daily News Egypt – RAILWAY WORKERS’ STRIKE PARALYSES MAJOR TRANSPORT ARTERY – It’s always good to see people breaking out of their craft-union ghettos to organize on the basis of industry (in this case, railroad switchmen working with train drivers)
- Pew: Almost half of Americans want to live somewhere else – – I guess this isn’t entirely surprising, but interesting nonetheless. I’d love to see a similar survey around people’s jobs.
- Egyptians travel to US-Mexico border | Middle East | Jerusalem Post – A little something for you border activism folks