Tag: fascism

This dystopian future is blowing up my phone

Photo Credit: The Cradle

Or “Israel Boycotts Itself” This past Tuesday, our little town’s Selectboard voted to enact an “Acceptable Community Conduct Ordinance,” marking a definitive break from its self-declaration as a “Compassionate Community” seven years prior. Seven years to shift from humanizing people who have fallen on hard times (albeit with a very …

Dance of Death: ‘Waltz with Bashir’ and Sympathy for the Killer—رقصة الموت: «فالس مع بشير» والعطف على القاتل

I spent some time over the past week translating this excellent critique of the film “Waltzing with Bashir” by As`ad AbuKhalil (aka, the Angry Arab).  Aside from butchering the title of the article and completely failing on one complicated parenthetical statement, I seem to have done pretty well.  It was …