Despite not hanging out much with people, i seem to have made something of a name for myself. And it didn’t even require carrying a doll around. I’m apparently now well-known as the guy who rides his bike to school.
Food in Cairo—طعام في القاهرة
The food here is mostly pretty good. The taamaya (طعمية, what they call falafel here) is excellent. In most places, i’ve found the ful (فول, beans) to be pretty good, but it can be pretty bland in some places. We actually haven’t gone out to eat all that much.
I love Arabic! أُحب اللغة العربية
The language is totally fascinating to me. There are a lot of rules and conventions that are strange and challenging for someone like me who has only studied indo-european languages, but once you learn the rules, there are very few exceptions to them. There is a whole class of verbs …
An uneventful Eid Al-Fitr—عيد الفطر الممل
Last weekend was Eid Al-Fitr, which was pretty interesting. Unfortunately, Adrienne had a 40-page chapter to write and i wasn’t feeling motivated enough to go out much, so we were in the apartment most of the day. We did finally go out on the last evening of the Eid. We …
Initial observations on the hijab and niqab
Most of the following may be totally off-base, and like much of what i commit to publication on this blog at this early stage, it will probably embarrass me at some point in the future, once i’ve gotten more of a clue. But here goes anyway.
The Corniche—the Reno of Cairo
In general, things in Cairo are pretty flashy. I’ve described the cabs elsewhere, but clothes are similar, at least wherever Egyptians are conspicuously out on the town. The Corniche, the road that flanks the Nile, and some of the bridges crossing it, is packed most evenings with hip beglittered young …
Traffic in Cairo—الممور في القاهرة
I went a bit crazy for the short period when i wasn’t biking here in Cairo.
Cairo is like a cat—القاهرة زي قطة
Cairo can be graceful and beautiful, suprisingly friendly at some times and strikingly ornery at others. But boy is it ugly when it gets wet! Okay, this is a ridiculous metaphor, but whatever. Last night and this morning, there was some crazy weather here in Cairo: high winds, thunder and …
Welcome to Grey Wool Knickers!
This blog is still pretty bare, and I haven’t yet migrated a lot of content from my previous static site at, but I’ll get there. I’ve spent entirely too long setting this thing up, so I’m going to take a break for a while and allow GWK to fill …