These are my links for March 14th through March 16th:
- Starhawk: Tristan Shot in the West Bank – Starhawk on Tristan: “I grieve for Tristan because he’s a friend. I know him, I have marched with him shoulder to shoulder, sat in meetings with him, shared laughter and gossip and disbelief at the amount of liquor those British activists could put away. I feel for him in a way I should feel, but can’t, for those who are just names on a list to me.”
- Effect Measure : Occupied Palestine: the horror continues – A good collection of people’s writings about the struggle against the apartheid wall in the West Bank and Tristan’s shooting
- American Protester Critically Injured by Soldiers in Ni’ilin | AATW – Anarchists against the wall – Anarchists Against the Wall with a detailed assessment of the IDF attack against Tristan
- | اصابة خطيرة لامريكي شارك بمظاهرة فلسطينية ضد “الجدار” – العالم العربى –
- | الصفحة الرئيسية | إصابة متظاهر أمريكي في نعلين – واحد صحبي إمريكي أصيب إصابة خطيرة على ىدي قوات الإحتلال في الضفة الغربية
- الأخبار – عربي – توغل إسرائيلي شرق رفح وجرحى بصفوف مناهضين للجدار – تريستان أندرسون أصيب إصابة خطيرة في رآسه أثناء مظاهرة نعلين في الضفة الغربية Annotated link
- Oakland man critically wounded in clash with Israeli military – Inside Bay Area – Perhaps someone could explain to me how this was a “clash with Israeli military” when Tristan and the ISM activists were doing nothing but standing in a field. Despite the idiocy of their headline editor, the article itself is pretty decent.