These are my links for March 1st through March 2nd:
- Israel/Gaza: Donors Should Press Israel to End Blockade | Human Rights Watch – In the weeks since heavy fighting ceased on January 18, Israel has arbitrarily refused entry to items like chickpeas, macaroni, wheat flour, notebooks for students, freezer appliances, generators and water pumps, and cooking gas, OCHA said. Annotated link
- Are Palestinians Allowed to Resist? (Part II/II) – Second part, with a greater focus on the comparisons with the case of India. Annotated link
- Are Palestinians Allowed to Resist? (Part I/II) – A great piece analyzing armed vs. non-violent struggle in Palestine, using the case of India and Ghandi’s satygraha as a point of comparison/contrast. The piece is more focused than I would like on national liberation rather than liberation writ large, but it is instructive nevertheless. Annotated link
- About Crabgrass – All About Crabgrass – Groups – – This is a great tool for groups of people trying to collaborate on social justice projects in cases where face-to-face meetings can be difficult to arrange. Please sign up and get in touch. Annotated link
- EGYPT: New curbs on Internet cafe users | Menassat – Apparently you have to have a cell phone to use the internet in Egypt
- وضع جنسي – ويكيبيديا، الموسوعة الحرة – An Arabic Wikipedia article on sexual positions
- ei: Israel lurches into fascism –
- Michael Hudson: The Language of Looting – Michael Hudson harkens back to classical liberal economics to unpack current usage of words like “nationalize” and “socialize”.
- Mustafa Barghouthi: The Return of Benjamin Netanyahu – “Furthermore, it is not only the settlements which constitute the occupation. By themselves, the settlers consume only 3% of the West Bank
- Arsonists Torch Berlin Porsches, BMWs on Economic Woe – “While youths in Athens protest by throwing Molotov cocktails, in Paris by toppling barricades, and in Budapest by hurling eggs at politicians, protesters in Berlin rage at their economic plight by targeting the most expensive cars—symbols of German wealth and power” (Thanks Angry Arab)
- Petition on Tuition: AUC Students Plan Strike – These are some ambitious demands