These are my links for February 21st from 14:18 to 16:22:
- Free the Prisoners for Gaza – Website for the remaining Gaza solidarity prisoners
- Al-Haraka Critiques the US Arabic Teaching System « –
- Energy Security Challenges for Israel Following the Gaza War – A review of the geological and political difficulties Israel faces in attending to its energy security (thanks Angry Arab)
- ei: Film review: "Waltz with Bashir" – "To say that Palestinians are absent in Waltz with Bashir, to say that it is a film that deals not with Palestinians but with Israelis who served in Lebanon, only barely begins to describe the violence that this film commits against Palestinians."
- Haidar: Bin Laden is not, either, Hiding Out in Shiite Parachinar – A handy rebuttal to the nut-job "bio-geographers" of UCLA.